December 24, 2010

Do Gifts Prove Anything to You?

If you give someone you love three dozens of roses and a diamond ring, does that prove your love? Maybe yes to some and maybe no to others. All I know is we are only entitled to live with acknowledgment half-a-second-long moments called "present" and everything else disappears into the past. So why not cherish every moment of your life while you have it. Not because it is the time of sparkling presents, but because you have your "present"... Merry Christmas Eve!


  1. Merry Christmas & Happy Belated Birthday to my dear Kayca <3

    I'm soooo grateful and happy to be able to share the "present" with you!!!

    I love present when I can see or feel how much the one who is giving the present is thinking about you. Just like the episode that you shared with me your loving J-san's lens present ;) sooo lovely!!!

    I truly cherish the feeling with and within the present.

    Love and Big Hug <3

  2. Thank you Sawachan!!!
    The greatest thing about giving and receiving presents is that you share the moments, the thoughts, and love... Isn't that a present tripled? :)
    I'm sending you lots of thoughts and love too, wishing your days are blessed and grateful.
    Love you and miss you too much!!!

    P.S. thank you for your compliments on my photos, you don't know how much it means to me!!!「愛情が感じ取れる」って最高の褒め言葉だよ。ありがとう、さわちゃん☆
